Do Republicans Really Want To Be In Power?

Do Republicans Really Want To Be In Power?

What kind of question is this you may ask?  The problem was that they wanted to stay in power so bad that they stopped governing the way they were elected to govern.  They weren’t thrown out of office because they governed with conservative values BUT because they didn’t govern with those values.

It appeared that the republicans were more concerned about getting along and going along with democrats then to govern with the values that got them elected in the first place.  Now they want to change things yet the leadership is the same.  When the conservative republicans truly want to be back in power, then they will change their leadership.

Maybe then we can believe them when they say they learned their lesson and will govern with the conservative values they had campaigned on.  If conservative republicans want to regain power then they need to be conservative and not compromise those values to gain favor with the press or democrats.  Those groups don’t want them in power anyway.

At least the House Republicans stood up for conservative values and the people when  everyone of them voted against the Pork Package Obama and Pelosi is trying to force down everyone’s throats.

Now the Senate is trying to come to an agreement on the Pork Package.  Two so called Republicans have come on board.  Ms. Collins and Mr. Specter.  I believe Mr. Specter will be up for re-election soon.  The last time he had a tough battle to get his parties nomination.  Getting on board with this Pock Package may very well cost him his parties nomination.  I for one will not forget this.

Remember last fall when the TARP bill HAD to be passed.  When it finally passed look what has happened.  NOW this one really has to pass.

If Republicans really want to be in power again then they need to stand together and oppose this pork package.  This won’t work and will only makes things worse.  Why put your name on it?

What Does The Kansas Vote Say?

What Does The Kansas Vote Say?   


I believe that the Kansas caucus vote today for the republicans said a number of things.  It made it clear how much more work John McCain has to do to win over the conservative vote. 

The article I wrote the other day about this being a football came, let me revisit real quickly.  Do you remember the last super bowl?  If you watched it you saw where the game was over, EXCEPT there was time on the clock and they had to come back on the field and run one more play.

Mike Huckabee crushed John McCain in Kansas.  Still everyone it seems wants to talk about NOT how McCain got crushed in this race BUT how Huckabee has NO chance of winning.  There is still a lot of time left in the game.  Anything can happen.  McCain has a temper.  McCain isn’t good in talking about the economy.  Where has all of the debates gone too?

At least Mike Huckabee isn’t letting down all of his supporters that have worked so hard for him.  If nothing else he is showing John McCain and OTHERS (old guard Republicans and more) what a problem McCain has with the conservative base.

It looks like Huckabee has won Louisiana.  Washington state they have stopped the counting for the night but Huckabee could win it and if not it will be Very close.

Tonight also shows that the people aren’t listening to the media or the establishment.  Every where you look or listen the drums are beating that Huckabee can’t win or McCain has the nomination.  For the elections to turn out like they have tonight with all the drum beating for McCain, that speaks volumes.   People STILL want to be heard.  Here is hoping that they will go out in upcoming elections and speak LOUD!

There are MANY attempting to control the outcome of these elections and they aren’t ALL the Media.  There are a LOT of ESTABLISHMENT players who are trying to take back control.

Let the people listen and let the people decide what is best.  Let the people think, they actually are smart enough to make a decision without the help of the talking heads or the old establishment.

What If It Was A Football Game?

What If It Was A Football Game?

How Easy Are Our Thoughts Controlled?

Can The Media McCain Train Be Stopped?

No matter what you are listening too or watching you hear the same thing.    McCain can’t be stopped.  Why is Huckabee staying in the race?  Huckabee is running for Vice President.  There is no way Huckabee can win the nomination.  The sad thing about that last statement is that it has been put out there by the Media LONG before Romney dropped out.

If everybody buys into “McCain can’t be stopped”, then guess what?  He can’t be stopped.
Let us look at this as a football game.  You remember that sport don’t you?  Just a few days ago a game was played called the Super Bowl.

One team was the New England Patriots. They were 18 – 0.  No losses and they were destined to be the champions, to win everything.  They were going against the New York Giants.  The Giants for a long time in their season were struggling just to finish above .500 for the season.  The last game of the season before the playoffs the Giants were defeated by the Patriots.

Listening to almost everyone the Giants should have just stayed home.  Think about the carbon imprint they would have saved.  When the game was over the Patriots had been defeated.  The underdog Giants WON!

If you thought about the Republican Nomination Process as a football game it would be about 5 1/2 minutes into the 3rd quarter.  There are 15 minutes in a quarter and 4 quarters in a game.  With that being said the Huckabee team is down by a big score.  But there is STILL enough time in the game to try and win it.  You can’t win it by holding your head down thinking there is no way to win this game.

It is time for a few hail mary passes, a few hawg wild plays.  An appropriate play since Huckabee is from Arkansas.  A Hawg Wild Formation was run by the University Of Arkansas football team the past two seasons.

How To Stop Or Slow Down The Media McCain Train:

I suggested this in a earlier article before Romney suspended his race.  It would have worked for Romney because he has the money and that isn’t a issue.  What I suggested was that Mitt Romney announce who his Vice President running mate would be.  I suggested that he try to bring someone on board like Newt Gingrich. 

A person like Newt Gingrich (if Romney could have talked him into coming on board) would have gotten the media buzz.  Also what better person to help with how to battle the democrats and come up with a plan to submit to the voters?  A plan does need to be laid out, not only for the Presidential race but also for the congressional races.  As I stated in a article the other day, the senate and congressional races are the most important races.  With them you can get people in to stop  or slow down the liberal agenda.  I heard Rush Limbaugh picking up on that today.  He too was saying what I had put in an earlier article about how important the congress could be in all of this.

Since Mitt Romney has only suspended his race and has kept control of his delegates, I assume that he could change his mind and get back in if something odd happened.  So what could make something odd happen?

There are STILL 3 people in the Republican Presidential Race.  Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul and that guy from Arizona.  As I stated in another article  John McCain always looked like he thought Ron Paul was crazy when Dr. Paul would comment on certain things.  But after  watching John McCain’s expression when Dr. Paul asked him a question about the economy, and after listening to him stumble to try and come up with an answer, I may be wrong.  It may be as simple as John McCain had the funny looks because he simply doesn’t understand the issues of the economy, which was shown by Ron Paul’s question to him.  If you want to see it go here:

Mike Huckabee could still announce who he would choose for Vice President.  Then he could put that person out on the trail.  A person like Newt Gingrich would get the press and also get people excited and help bring money in.  If he couldn’t get Newt to come on board he could still come up with someone else that could strengthen him and get the press.

It would also FORCE all of the other candidates to do the same (democrats also).  Today McCain was asked about Vice President and he didn’t answer the question, he said it was too early.  Why is it too early?  I know you would want to save that for press later, but WHY NOT NOW?  It is important everyone knows and if it is so certain McCain has this nomination then why not?  Of course if McCain made the wrong pick it might slow his train and if Huckabee made the right one it might speed up his train.  Same thing for Clinton or Obama.  But why not force the issue and make everyone lay that card on the table?

If Huckabee would do this and could get the right person on board it could really shake things up.  People are looking for something to excite them.  This would be one of those plays in the football game that if it was successful it could change the momentum of the game.  The score of the game is such that it is time to put in the Hawg Wild Formation.

People want to make fun of Ron Paul, most of the ones that do so don’t understand what he is saying.  It is so foreign to what they are use to hearing that it sounds very strange to them.  IF these people who want to make fun of Ron Paul would do their work, and research some of the issues he brings up, they might then understand what he is really saying.  They might then also understand why his supporters are so passionate about Dr. Ron Paul.

The big three conservative radio talk show hosts tried to destroy Huckabee’s campaign when they were trying to push Romney to the top.  They all three really have a problem with McCain.  They still have a problem with him.  Here is another play that could change the game.

Let some of these big radio hosts come on board and push Ron Paul.  One reason Ron Paul isn’t being  taken seriously is because he is either left out of a debate or overlooked mostly when he is allowed in one.  Since there is ONLY 3 left if some would get behind him imagine the press.  There is a reason people who like Ron Paul work so hard for him.  If you want to stop McCain and don’t want to get behind Huckabee then get behind Ron Paul.  At least enough to get him attention so people will be able to really understand where he stands.  A lot of what Ron Paul says people don’t like hearing.  But for our country’s sake the people need to hear it.

Remember how the name Huckabee sounded kind of funny?  It doesn’t sound so funny now does it?  Well if Ron Paul was allowed to speak his truth’s enough and people would do a little work and research, then what he is saying wouldn’t be sounding funny.  If you really want to stop McCain get a forum where Ron Paul is allowed to ask John McCain a few questions.  Get him ten minutes to ask McCain questions and he will destroy him.  The ten minutes doesn’t include the time McCain will fumble around to attempt to answer them.  Hell, let Dr. Paul ask McCain five minutes of questions and he will destroy him.

One of the issues that American’s understand and care about is closing our borders.  Again I ask how can you really say we are fighting a war on terror and we REFUSE to close our borders.  Another way to slow the McCain Train is shine the light on one of his advisors.  Juan Hernandez.  If you watch any of the talk cable news shows you have seen this guy.

Open borders advocate Juan Hernandez has joined the McCain campaign

GLENN: Here it is, here’s John McCain.

VOICE: I wonder if you agree with those policies. If so, explain it to me. And if not, why is he on your staff.

McCAIN: He’s on my staff because he supports my policies and my proposals and my legislative proposal to secure the borders first, that no one will receive Social Security benefits who is in this country illegally. I don’t know what his previous positions are, other previous positions are but he supports mine. I have nothing to do with his. And he has volunteered to help me with outreach to our Hispanic citizenry as that is his reach as I outreach to every citizen in America. I’ve made very clear my position on immigration, made very clear on my position on Social Security and, of course, I am grateful that we have so many people who came from Ireland to the United States of America and anybody else who can come here legally under the right system and that’s the only system that I would ever support and I have no idea but I will check into the information you’ve given me. But I want to promise you I will secure our borders. I will not allow anyone to come here illegally. I will not allow anyone to receive Social Security or any other benefit because they have come here illegally and broken our laws.

GLENN: Okay. That’s John McCain. Now, it’s so disingenuous to say he doesn’t know who this man is or his policies. This is a guy who used to work for Vicente Fox. He is the most open border guy you could possibly imagine. Here’s just one clip of Juan Hernandez, and we’ve got tons of them and we’ll be playing them over the next few days. Here’s just one clip of Juan Hernandez on TV.

HERNANDEZ: I don’t think that we need to build walls to control immigration. We are the 21st century now and we’re a country that has always broken down walls. Once again with regard to securing the borders, we need to work with Mexico. We’re never going to have a secure border. We’re not going to put a wall up for these hundreds and hundreds thousands of miles. We have to work with our neighbors. We need to think now for the future. Canada, the United States and Mexico as a block.

GLENN: Canada, Mexico and America as a block. That’s who this guy is. Michelle?

MALKIN: A block, not a region. He said it many times. He also, when he worked for this Mexican bureaucracy called the presidential office for Mexican abroad, what he did was he spent his time traveling all across our country lobbying local, state and federal officials for driver’s license for illegal aliens. He defended his operators who were carrying illegal aliens to the country and who promoted extending banking privileges here in the United States to illegal aliens, lobbied to get lower rates for them so that they could send home billions of dollars in remittances back to their country. The guy does not believe in borders. He is a senior fellow at something called the Reform Institute which is a think tank that John McCain founded and it has come under scrutiny by the mainstream media because it underscores John McCain’s hypocrisy not just on open borders but also on campaign finance because he’s used his supposedly nonpartisan, nonprofit thinking to solicit donations from big donors who he then goes and crusades for while he’s sitting on Senate committees. At this reform institute which is in part funded with George Soros money, Juan Hernandez was in charge of leading the lobbying campaign for John McCain’s amnesty effort last year. And this reform institute also sponsored an art contest for students where they spent their time demonizing the border. And you can go and look. I linked this on my website, to all of the art that compares the walls our borders and our border fences to the Berlin wall which keeps people in instead of walling people out to prevent invasion, to prevent undermining our sovereignty, to prevent encroaching of our laws. And for McCain to have the gall to stand there and tell that voter in Florida who, by the way, learned about this Juan Hernandez thing by looking at our research on the Internet, for him to say that he supports securing the border first when he’s got a guy outreaching to illegal aliens to persuade them to make John McCain President? It’s more than nauseating.

Thank you for this part Glenn Beck  and Michelle Malkin .

So who in the Media will start asking John McCain about Juan Hernandez EVERYDAY????

Mitt Romney – John McCain are WRONG

In watching the debates the other night one statement took Mitt Romney out of consideration. 

 When Huckabee was talking about the drug companies Mr. Romney felt a need to step up and defend the Drug Companies.  He said they aren’t bad.  BUT if Mr. Romney would really do some research about the drugs and vaccines and policies he would know that they aren’t the good guys.  The information is out there for anyone that Truly wants to know the truth.  This one statement removes him as a choice. 

If we really are serious about change then having a person who sounds like he is in the hip pocket of the drug companies is not a way to get the change.  He wants to defend the big corporations also
Some of them aren’t the good guys either.  This country has been and is being stripped of its job base, its life blood. By whole, some of the big companies whose only concern is the bottom line and profit.

John McCain is riding a big surge right before the New Hampshire vote.  It will be short lived as soon as he lives the state.  He is not a true conservative and he cannot bring change that is any good for this country.    He has been in congress over 20 years and the only thing that has brought change is when he teams up with the liberals like Ted (don’t drive off the bridge) Kennedy or Russ Feingold.  Teaming with those type of people  doesn’t bring any change that is any good for our country.

Mr. McCain is so WRONG about the border and he is trying to dance away from what he will really and wants to do.  He says he gets the message and that we need to seal the border first, but he is only saying that because his stance on the border almost killed his campaign.  But what he says after he gets the message is that he is going to do what he wanted to do all along after the border is closed.

How can we be a country that is ruled by the rule of law and not insist that people that have broken our law leave our country and return legally?  Also how we can we be a country if we don’t protect our borders.  We are being invaded by a foreign country and we choose to do nothing about it????

Mr. McCain should go back to the senate and REALLY try to do things that are good for our country.  McCain-Feingold wasn’t.  Voting against the Bush tax cut wasn’t.  The McCain Kennedy immigration Bill wasn’t.  There is a reason a lot of democrats and independents like McCain.